國際音樂產業論壇及搶耳展演 International Forum 2018
6 月 8 - 10日 香港大學王賡武講堂 及 藝穗會奶庫
邀請來自韓國、德國、美國、英國、中國內地及香港之音樂產業界翹楚薈萃一堂,將於 6 月 8 - 10日舉行,舉行三場國際音樂產業論壇,聚焦探討全球音樂工業發展及演藝文化異同。
12組入圍「搶耳」計劃的音樂單位亦將於論壇舉行期間,於藝穗會奶庫 (Fringe Dairy) 演出,向業界及公眾展示創作。
*此活動由 文藝復興基金會 與 香港大學通識教育部 合辦
【論壇 1】《亞洲音樂圈實況探討》
▪ Justin Sweeting | Magnetic Asia、Clockenflap/ Sonar HK 音樂總監
▪ Myoungho Kim 金明浩 | 韓國 CJ Culture Foundation Music Department
▪ 張然 | 影響城市之聲創辦人、草莓音樂節國際藝人預定負責人、摩登天空國際事業部總監
▪ Michael LoJudice | Modern Sky U.S., U.S.
主持: Vivian Hyunmin Lee | 韓國 Stepping Stone 國際音樂活動統籌 / 策劃人
時間:9 Jun 2018 (六) 14:00-15:30
地點:香港大學王賡武講堂 (香港大學站A2出口)
【論壇 2】《歐美音樂圈實況探討》
▪ Vanessa Reed | 英國 PRS Foundation 執行總監
▪ Andy Leung | 藝術家 / Suprfan.co 創辦人
▪ Graham Williams | 美國 Margin Walker Presents 創辦人
▪ Timotheus Wiesmann | 德國 Hamburg Music Business Association 總經理
主持: 黃志淙博士 | 香港大學通識教育部
時間:10 Jun 2018 (日) 14:00-15:30
地點:香港大學王賡武講堂 (香港大學站A2出口)
【論壇 3】《世界各地音樂節探討》
▪ Christian Kiesler | 德國 Feierwerk 推廣人/節目籌劃/文化研究學者
▪ Jason Mayall | Smash UK、Fuji-rock 總監
▪ Shauna Saneinejad | 美國 Noise Pop 商務拓展 / 品牌經理
主持: Jürgen Enninger | 德國促進創意產業協會(PCI)發言人
時間:10 Jun 2018 (日) 16:00-17:30
地點:香港大學王賡武講堂 (香港大學站A2出口)
* 每人只限登記一張門票。
* 成功登記者將收到確認電郵,請下載電郵中的附件門票,確認二維碼及條碼清晰,並於活動入場前出示。
【搶耳展演 1】
表演單位:Clover Lei / PPC records / Call Back ASAP 未能接通/ Vincy and the Prototyke Lab
表演嘉賓:The Sulis Club
時間:8 Jun 2018 (五) 20:00-22:30
地點:藝穗會奶庫 Fringe Dairy
【搶耳展演 2】
表演單位:Sam Ding Muk 三丁目 / milos / Mocking Bullet 無稽子彈/ French Concession 法國租界
時間:9 Jun 2018 (六) 17:30-20:00
地點:藝穗會奶庫 Fringe Dairy
【搶耳展演 3】
表演單位:The Majestic G 麟角樂團 / per se / Marstn / hirsk
表演嘉賓:Siu Yuen 楊智遠
時間:9 Jun 2018 (六) 21:00-23:30
地點:藝穗會奶庫 Fringe Dairy
* 每人只限登記一張門票。
* 成功登記者將收到確認電郵,請下載電郵中的附件門票,確認二維碼及條碼清晰,並於活動入場前出示。
* 網上登記者請於十五分鐘前到場;如開場後10分鐘到場者,主辦方將有權取消該留座,並予以其他現場觀眾。
International Music Forum & Showcase 2018
8 - 10th June 2018
International Forums | Wang Gungwu Theatre, The University of Hong Kong
Pitching Showcases | Fringe Dairy
Music industry professionals from Korea, Japan, Germany, USA, UK and the Mainland as well as Hong Kong will share their insights on global and regional music trends as well as music festivals around the world and their differences during the three forum sessions.
In addition, there will be three pitching showcases featuring performances by Ear Up Incubation’s mentees, the local aspiring singers and music groups, to depict their works to local, the Mainland and overseas industry professionals and the general public.
The forum is co-organised by Renaissance Foundation and General Education Unit, HKU.
Free admission (register and reserve your seat now)
International Forums
【Forum 1】
Regional discussions on the Asian music scene
▪ Justin Sweeting | Music Director, Magnetic Asia, Clockenflap / Sonar HK, Hong Kong
▪ Myoungho Kim | CJ Culture Foundation Music Department, Korea
▪ Ryan Zhang | Director of International Business at Modernsky Entertainment; Booking Director at Strawberry Music Festival; Founder/CEO at Sound of the Xity
▪ Michael LoJudice | Modern Sky U.S., U.S.
Moderator - Vivian Hyunmin Lee | International Music Event Programmer, Stepping Stone Festival, Korea
Time: 9 Jun 2018 (Sat) 14:00-15:30
Location: Wang Gungwu Theatre, The University of Hong Kong (Exit A2, HKU Station)
【Forum 2】
Regional discussions on the European and American music scene
▪ Vanessa Reed | CE, PRS Foundation, U.K.
▪ Andy Leung | Artist, Suprfan.co
▪ Graham Williams | Owner / Founder, Margin Walker Presents, U.S.
▪ Timotheus Wiesmann | Hamburg Music Business Association, Germany
Moderator - Dr. Wong Chi Chung | GE Unit, The University of Hong Kong
Time: 10 Jun 2018 (Sun) 14:00-15:30
Location: Wang Gungwu Theatre, The University of Hong Kong (Exit A2, HKU Station)
【Forum 3】
Discussions on music festivals
▪ Shauna Saneinejad | Business Development & Brand Manager, Noise Pop, U.S.
▪ Jason Mayall | Smash U.K., Fuji Rock, U.K., Japan
▪ Christian Kiesler | Promoter / Booker / Cultural-pedagogue, Feierwerk, Munich, Germany
Moderator - Jürgen Enninger | Head of Excellence Team to promote the culture and creative industries in Munich, Germany
Time: 10 Jun 2018 (Sun) 16:00-17:30
Location: Wang Gungwu Theatre, The University of Hong Kong (Exit A2, HKU Station)
Seat Reservation
* Each registration is limited for 1 ticket per person.
* E-mail confirmation will be received for every successful registration, please obtain the digital-Pass as attached and show us upon arrival.
Forums will be conducted in English. (Simultaneous interpretation in Cantonese)
Pitching Showcases
Ear Up Showcase 1
Line-up: Clover Lei, PPC records, Call Back ASAP, Vincy and the Prototyke Lab
Time: 8 Jun 2018 (Fri) 20:00-22:30
Location: Fringe Dairy
Ear Up Showcase 2
Line-up: Sam Ding Muk, milos, Mocking Bullet, French Concession
Time: 9 Jun 2018 (Sat) 17:30-20:00
Location: Fringe Dairy
Ear Up Showcase 3
Line-up: The Majestic G, per se, Marstn, hirsk
Time: 9 Jun 2018 (Sat) 21:00-23:30
Location: Fringe Dairy
* Each registration is limited for 1 ticket per person.
* E-mail confirmation will be received for every successful registration, please obtain the digital-Pass as attached and show us upon arrival.
* Please arrive 15 minutes earlier for the designated time. By 10 minutes, any late comer may possible be de-registered for other walk-in audience.
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