Break Out, Go Global!
等咗三年,想必各路音樂人早已磨拳擦掌,想踏出關口,飛往海外,擴闊音樂世界~ 機會嚟喇飛雲,今年搶耳全球 Ear Up Global終於再度起行!
經遴選後,入圍本地音樂單位將參與一系列巡演工作坊及經驗分享會。然後搶耳音樂將與海外音樂節伙伴按實際情況,邀請合適的入圍音樂單位參演。往屆Ear Up Global曾合作音樂節包括韓國Zandari Festa、美國三藩市Noise Pop Festival等。
Ear Up Music is recruiting Hong Kong music groups to join the expedition! The Ear Up Global 2023 programme will include workshops, and match you with appropriate oversea music festival partners. Shortlisted music groups are able to join pre-tour events and are eligible to be invited by oversea music festivals. If you're lucky enough to be invited, you'll earn the opportunity to perform in another country, such as Germany, the UK and Thailand.
任何風格的原創音樂人或團體,而有公開現場音樂活動(如Live House、音樂會、音樂節)的表演經驗。
All original music individuals or groups with public live performance experiences.
Deadline of Application: 2023/02/20 noon
- 藝術及創意水平 Artistic & Creative Level
- 現場表演能力 Live Performance
- 海外市場發展潛力 Potential in Oversea Market
2023/02 音樂人招募 Recruitment
2023/03-05 迎新活動及工作坊 Orientation & Workshops
2023/05-11 海外交流及演出 Trips for the invited music groups
2023/10-12 媒體發佈會及總結演出 Press conference & Finale show

FAQ | 報名篇 About Application
A:不論場合(如Live House、音樂會、音樂節等),只要是公開的、有現場觀眾的演出即可。
Q:參加過搶耳音樂的活動(如「搶耳音樂廠牌計劃」Ear Up Incubation),可以參加嗎?
A:除Ear Up Global 2017/18及2019的參加者外,歡迎所有搶耳舊生參與。
Q: What does that mean by “public live performance experience”?
A: Regardless of occasion (eg. live house, concert, music festival etc.), as long as it is a public performance for audience on spot.
Q: We don’t sing Cantonese songs, is that okay?
A: Yes! We welcome music of all genres and languages.
Q: Can we join this time, if we’ve joined other Ear Up programmes (eg. Ear Up Incubation) before?
A: Yes, except for the alumni from Ear Up Global 2017/18 and 2019.
Q: Can music groups who have signed a management company apply?
A: Yes.
Q: Is that okay if we don’t publish works on Spotify?
A: This programme aims to export Hong Kong music to the world, so the participants have to be “export-ready”. Which means, even though having published works on music streaming platforms is not the decisive factor in the selection process, we highly recommend participants do so, in order to reach oversea audiences.
FAQ | 計劃篇 About the Programme
Q: Does it mean that we can perform at oversea music festivals oversea if we got selected?
A: No. As we need to consider multiple factors, such as the nature of festival partners and scheduling, being selected into the programme does not guarantee a show. We will invite appropriate music groups from the participants with our festival partners.
Q: Can we pick which music festival to go?
A: It is a two-way thing. You are of course free to tell us your preference and priorities, but as mentioned above, our invitations are confirmed after multiple considerations, so please bear with us that the decision is made after multiple arrangements and coordination.
Q: Can we play in all the festivals?
A: In the programme, one music group will only perform in one oversea music festivals.
Q: If we’re selected, what should we be aware about time allocation?
A: Before touring, a few events will be arranged to equip participants. For those who are invited to show at oversea music festivals, the trip will last for about a week, including performance and music exchange activities with locals. After getting back to Hong Kong, there will be a press conference and a finale show for the programme. Currently we are still arranging with festival partners, the details will be released to the selected groups.
Q: What will be covered during the trip?
A: Ear Up Music will cover essential production cost, air tickets and accommodation.
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