Andy Is Typing…
Alternative Rock / 2016
Member list:
Vocal - JKY
Guitar - ManPing 平
Bass Guitar - Andy
Drums - Kelvin
Andy is Typing...是一隊於2016年初成立的的香港獨立搖滾樂團。成員包括Andy(低音結他手)、Kelvin(敲擊/鼓手)、J.K.Y.(主音/結他手)以及萬平(結他手),曲風以Alternative Rock為主。
Andy is typing… is an alternative rock band from Hong Kong formed in early 2016, composed of JKY (Vocal/Guitarist), Andy (Bassist), Manping (Lead Guitarist) and Kelvin (Drummer).
We currently have several released singles ‘Take A Break’, ‘3:1’ and ’seoul Pretty’, which are available on multiple digital platforms like Apple Music and Spotify. We are planning to release our first EP in 2019.
Ups and downs in life all go into our souls and minds, translated into joys and sorrows of our music. Life goes on, as our story writes itself. Thus we type, and will keep on typing.
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大家對於Andy is Typing...這隊一行四人的獨立搖滾樂隊都應該不會陌生。成軍四年,經常作貼近群眾的現場演出、釋出過多首錄音室曲目,大家正見證到Andy is Typing...這隊樂團迥然不同、剛柔並濟的兩面體:他們既有張力十足的搖滾歌曲,也有細膩的soft rock作品;即可玩出霸氣的熱血搖滾演出,也可玩出內斂的acoustic set;以寫英文歌為主的他們,歌曲也會有雙語的國語版或廣東話版本。Andy is Typing...的音樂,正反映出他們的起伏跌宕思緒。
Andy is Typing... @Ear Up Music Festival 2021
Andy is Typing... @Ear Up Showcase 2020
Andy is Typing... @Ear Up School Tour 2020
Andy is Typing... @Ear Up Tour 2019 Finale

No.1 Single on iTunes Music Rock Chart (Take A Break) | 2019年903 豁達推介第二十六週第一位 (Don’t Believe)
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