Cool Cool Cat
Member list:
Vocal/ Rhythm Guitar - 六筒
Lead Guitar - 熊仔
Drums - 泥膠
爽快貓2019年團隊玩音樂,目前有三位成員,分別為泥膠、熊仔及六筒。因為對音樂的熱愛、不同種類風格的追求與嘗試、思想的執迷 、被生活打沉的意志、失去人生目標、對人生未來感到迷惘等原因,而站在一起的樂隊。
Cool Cool Cat is an alternative rock band from Hong Kong, formed in 2019. Currently there are only three members: Clay, Lutto and Bear. They are all stranded in their lives, losing hopes and frustrated about the future. However, they are all passionate about music thus they formed Cool Cool Cat and have been expressing their thoughts with their music.
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對於愛貓之人來說,單是見到「爽快貓」這個團名,已先被他們的名字所吸引。不過由泥膠、熊仔、六筒三位成員在2019年所組成的他們,樂隊紥根於folk rock的音樂風格下,卻不似其名字般清爽與可愛。「爽快貓」的歌曲,泛著是一股淡淡然的文青思潮,勾勒出是年青世代在成長過程當中對人生的迷惘與懊惱,凝聚著的惹人沉思意境。深受台系獨立搖滾影響的他們,亦不諱直言Deca Joins、草東沒有派對等樂隊是「爽快貓」音樂曲風的主要薰陶。
Cool Cool Cat @Ear Up Music Festival 2021
Cool Cool Cat @Ear Up Showcase 2020
Cool Cool Cat @Ear Up School Tour 2020

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