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古今中外有不少樂壇傳奇人物以愛之名創作音樂:70年代英國John Lennon的《Imagine》、90年代香港樂隊Beyond的《Amani》等。
創作歌手桃桃追隨這些前輩的步伐,希望以R&B和加入電子元素的流行音樂連繫世界各地聽眾,為身處在高壓城市、生活奔波的城市人,送上一絲暖意和輕鬆愉快的身體節奏。為了開闊自己的音樂眼界,桃桃遠赴美國洛杉磯的Musicians Institute接受聲樂、作曲和音樂製作訓練。她發現到發達國家時常遺下的一眾弱勢社群,因此希望通過音樂引起世界對他們多一點關注和理解。
If ‘all the people living life in peace’ is what John Lennon imagined as an ideal world and ‘Amani’ is Beyond’s anthem to call for peace, then ‘a big group hug and a massive dance party’ is what TAOTAO believes the world needs right now, and drives her to become a singer-songwriter. No matter it is an upbeat dance music or a slow tempo ballad, TAOTAO wants her music to leave her listeners with a warmth in the heart and a groove in the body. Like many other musicians, TAOTAO’s bedroom was where the magic of music took place. But her love for music inspired herself to further her study in music and production, then she received vocal and songwriting training in Musicians Institute Hollywood and performed with her band throughout Los Angeles. Her oriental upbringing in Hong Kong, her western journey in London and Los Angeles have shaped her music style of R&B, pop with an electronic touch. While these cities are famous for their vibrance, the minorities and their stories in these cities are being ignored significantly. TAOTAO wants to use the common language of this world – Music, to invite audiences to listen to these untold stories.
曾遠赴美國洛杉磯Musicians Institute接受聲樂、作曲和音樂製作訓練的香港R&B唱作女生TAOTAO,她的音樂呈現出是濃郁的大城市urban氣息而又賦予治癒作用,主旨是要為繁囂都市生活送上柔揚愉快的groovy節奏。聽聽TAOTAO創作於洛杉磯進修音樂時的作品〈On The Street〉,在那輕快jazz-soul-funk曲風、叫人情不自禁地哼着「Da-Da-Di-Da」的副歌,所叫人感受到不獨是宛如遊走於荷里活大街的場景,也道出對城內流浪漢弱勢社群的關注,很有愛的一曲。而她寫給親姊姊作為結婚禮物的〈只姊〉,則是唱出其姊妹深情與祝福的ballad。
TAOTAO & Flat 550 @Ear Up Music Festival 2021
TAOTAO & Flat 550 @Ear Up Showcase 2020
TAOTAO & Flat 550 @Ear Up School Tour 2020

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