Tofu Kingdom
Dream Pop, Shoegaze
Member list:
Vocal/ Guitar - Rita & Bean
Guitar - Sam
成軍於2021年,「豆腐王國」隱含着Sam及Rita對生命的感概、期許,對自身的要求、期望,以及對音樂的憧憬、期昐。透過激盪創意、引經據典,他們摸索出dream pop及shoegaze,並以此成為音樂的主幹。在發布出道EP《Souvernir》後,Tofu Kingdom便與其他音樂人合作,於Clokenflap等舞台上表演。他們期望,未來能夠再於Dream pop等音樂中探險,並錄製出奇幻有趣的音樂錄影帶,站上更多外國的音樂節舞台。
Oh, wonder! How many godly bands are there here? O brave new world, the bearer of such beauteous band!
In 2021, Rita and Sam established Tofu Kingdom. The Hong Kong duo experimented tirelessly and found their musical footing in Dream Pop and Shoegaze, crafting their unique brand of Indie Pop. Tofu Kingdom released their debut EP 'Souvenir' and had the pleasure of performing alongside like-minded musicians, Tofus, at Clockenflap.
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通過dream-pop與shoegaze曲風的交叉感染,構成Tofu Kingdom這隊indie-pop樂隊吹彈可破的夢幻聲音。溫婉真摯的雙女聲主唱,時而剔透、時而築起音牆的結他,流麗的synth聲,編織出一股青春的燃燒。
‘Pensieve’ in “EUM001 - ups and downs”
「I don’t mind going in circles/I’d hold on to what I had」
以《哈利波特》入面的「儲思盆」為名,Tofu Kingdom豆腐王國的〈Pensieve〉一樣帶有魔幻色彩,教人不自覺沉入淹沒其中。也許昨日的美好與粉碎只剩下後悔,但也是我們在陽光下僅有的一切。
Tofu Kingdom @Ear Up Showcase 2021
Tofu Kingdom @Ear Up School Showcase 2021 / CUHK
Coming Soon...
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