Groovy pop / 2019
Member list:
Vocal - Yushan Wong
Guitar - Moo
Bass Guitar - Bowie
Drums - Jess
WHIZZ由主音王雨山、結他手Moo、貝斯手Bowie及鼓手Jess於2019年三月尾組成的四人女子樂團。 主打 Groovy Pop 的曲風,希望利用輕快,具節奏性的音樂為大眾說出樂團信念「時間飛逝、活在當下、享受享樂」。
WHIZZ is band of four girls, YuShan Wong (vocalist), Moo(guitarist), Bowie Ling (bassist) and Jess Leung (drummer)from Hong Kong. They started their band at the end of March, 2019.
Each of the members has different experiences in music performing and song writing.
WHIZZ music style is mainly Groovy Pop. They wish to use lively and light-hearted music to send out the conviction of the band which is “Time whizzes past, just listen and enjoy yourself”.
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炎炎夏日,聽全女班樂團WHIZZ的音樂,實在是多麼美好的事。由王雨山、Moo、Bowie 和Jess四位女生在2019年3月組成的WHIZZ,她們帶來是多麼賞心悅目的groovy pop風格,譜出清新可喜、愉快流暢的曲子固然不在話下,而且歌曲都有著叫人聽得搖頭擺腦的groovy節奏,奏出如沐春風的情懷。在李拾壹監製下,活潑輕盈的〈Summer Sea〉是一首獻給盛夏光景與蔚藍大海之歌,足以遠離繁囂,更有著叫人琅琅上口的漂亮chorus與清爽的唱和。〈Let’s Keep Dancing Tonight〉則是柔揚抒情、情意綿綿的歌曲,但也可令你聽到翩翩起舞。
WHIZZ @Ear Up Music Festival 2021
WHIZZ @Ear Up Showcase 2020
WHIZZ @Ear Up School Tour 2020

28/4 中港澳青年樂隊大賽 - 大專組冠軍 @蒲吧
19/5 2019全港青年人Band Show比賽 - 亞軍 @黃金海岸
27/7 Vans Musician Wanted 2019 - Hong Kong Winner @House of Vans
11/10 香港亞太區青年樂隊大賽 - 季軍 @Music Zone
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