Winter Bagels
Acoustic Pop / 2016
Member list:
Vocal/ Guitar - Kaki & Cup
Winter Bagels是一支以Acoustic Pop為主要風格的女子樂隊。成員Kaki和Cup都是兼任主音以及結他手。她們同樣在冬天出生,並在一個冬季決定為自己加上更精彩的味道,逐於2016年初組成Winter Bagels。「Everyone is a bagel.」每個人生而平實而簡單,卻可隨個人喜好加上不同調味,以各自的方 式細味生活日常,用音樂填補心中的洞。她們主張在生活取材,由微細到遠大,逐步發掘更多可能。2016年推出首張同名專輯《Winter Bagels》後,同年8月到東歐街頭賣藝,將其原創廣東歌帶到歐洲。回港後繼續活躍於本地音樂圈,演出包括:「賽馬會街頭音樂系列」、Freespace Happening、 Musik11、Sofar Sounds及「搶耳音樂廠牌計劃」等等。
Winter Bagels is an acoustic-pop girl band formed in Jan 2016, Kaki and Cup are both lead vocalist and guitarist. ‘Everyone is a bagel’: having a heart with simplicity, born to be genuine. Winter-borns decided to form a group in this cold season, using our music to fill up emptiness inside hearts. Enjoy our music like the special toppings on the bagel.
In 2016, the duo released their debut EP ‘Winter Bagels’, bringing their EP to Eastern Europe for summer busking. After the trip, they have continued to participate in local music events actively including Jockey Club Street Music Series, Freespace Happening, Musik11, Sofar Sounds, Ear Up Incubation, etc.
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Coming Soon
朗豪坊L12 Live Stage
Girls with Guitars #10 by The Underground
九龍城藝術節 @ 西九文化區
T.O.P mall
Musik11 @K11 mall
Freespace Happening @ 西九文化區
Le French May Lunch time Concert @ 大館
黃昏音樂會 @ 藍屋
wow and flutter Live @ Home
綠滙音樂會 Sunday Concert @ the Green Hub
Guest Performer for Frenzi Music Taiwan Tour @ Taipei & Kaohsiung
Music in The City by JOOX
MusiK11 Performance @ K11
香港博物館節 Muse Fest HK @ Wong Uk Village
Sofar Sounds Hong Kong
IFVA 影像嘉年華 IFVA Carnival
賽馬會街頭音樂系列HKstreet music- Street Music Series @ Comix home base
香港綠色日 Hong Kong Green Day
Live House performance @ 1563 at the East, Lost Stars Livehouse Bar & Eatery, Peel Fresco, Red Idea cafe.....
Commercial event for Swatch HK, Hoegaarden, Dr Martens, Kirin Beer, Hysan, Harbour City, Hopewell Centre
Commercial Ad song for Trappist Dairy & Magazine coverage with April Magazine (Philippines), Milk, Metropop, 扭耳仔
Interviews with Radios and TV shows:
RTHK Radio 3 “Morning Brew” & “Sunday Escape”
RTHK TV “The Works”
RTHK Radio 2《騷動音樂》
RTHK Radio 2《這裡找共鳴》
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